Welcome to the YORK PENTHOUSE!
Inspired by the penthouses of London built on top of older buildings, this 2-bedroom 2-bathroom apartment is like no other in Yangon. Mixing reclaimed teakwood from an old warehouse, black steelwork, white walls and high ceilings, the flat is a beautiful oasis located in a small alleyway just off the main thoroughfare to Sule Pagoda, in downtown Yangon. Designed by one of the founding architects of Doh Eain, the apartment is filled with light thanks to floor to ceiling windows across three exposures.The apartment has two spacious bedrooms each with an ensuite bathroom, making it a great flat to share or to host the occasional guests. It boasts an open plan living room, dining room and kitchen, and two small terraces allows the occupants to enjoy al fresco drinks. Designed with convenience in mind, the flat is fully equipped with two wine fridges, battery back-up, washer and dryer, soda stream, oven, automatic water pump system and even a dishwasher, a rarity in Yangon! The apartment is furnished with a mix of modern and antique furniture, brought in from the UK or locally sourced in Yangon.
A long-time resident of Yangon, Jerome was tired of overpriced and underwhelming apartments in the early days of Myanmar opening up and decided to build his own. With the help of Doh Eain and a team of great artisans, Jerome made his vision come alive in 2017 by building this penthouse apartment on the rooftop of an existing building.
Mixing reclaimed teakwood from an old warehouse, black steelwork, white walls and high ceilings, the flat is a beautiful oasis located in a small alleyway just off the main thoroughfare to Sule Pagoda, in downtown Yangon. Designed by one of the founding architects of Doh Eain, the apartment is filled with light thanks to floor to ceiling windows across three exposures.The apartment has two spacious bedrooms each with an ensuite bathroom, making it a great flat to share or to host the occasional guests. It boasts an open plan living room, dining room and kitchen, and two small terraces allows the occupants to enjoy al fresco drinks. Designed with convenience in mind, the flat is fully equipped with two wine fridges.
-Fully Furnished
-Strong wifi connection
-automatic water system installed
-two spacious bedroom included
-Minimum lease term – 3 months
-Maximum lease term- 6 months and 1 year
-One month deposit
-Deposit will be returned within one week after the check out process with Property Manager
-Contracting process will be done by property manager with the tenant
-Check in and check out process with be done by property manager with the tenant
-During the stays , on request maintenance and issues can be reported by tenants during working hours ( 9am-5pm)on the weekdays , tenants can reach out to emergency team after working hours and on the weekends
– Tenants need to be reported to ward office and immigration for the form C according to the requirements of government
Located just north of downtown, Dagon township is one of the most convenient and pleasant neighborhoods to live in Yangon. Just a stone's throw away from the vibrant streets of downtown, it is a quiet base to access the rest of Yangon thanks to the fast connection to the main roads of the city, Pyay and Kabaye. Centered around the Yaw Min Gyi / Nawaday street rectangle, the area boasts a number of great restaurants, hipster cafes and massage parlors, mixing old and new buildings. In the morning, the local market is a great place to pick up some fresh produces while as the day progresses, the enticing smells of local snacks and BBQ will wet your appetite.
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